Tuesday, December 12, 2006

if a person comes upto you and says "how do i get back my virginity"-what do we say? of course nobody did that to me as upto today but assume that happens and then what's it gonna be like anyway.......i read this sumwhere-"virginity is not dignity, its just lack of oppurtunity" and i cudnt stop maself laughin out loud at that...........i guess accepting that would be insulting to all us virgins and i am not here to insult myself so i guess i'll drift away from that..............

now i dont know what to do.............when you are doing a few related things in a sequence and you know one part of it has gone good or went bad, do u think it will affect the remaining things........i guess it would so basically cut yourself off from the results until u complete everything.......

anyway i guess i'll end this here


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