Sunday, December 10, 2006

well um what to say and do.................i feel i hav no control over what i think and what i do..........i feel outta control and at all times of the day i keep saying "FUCK STUDYING" and when i put my book down and say i'll cum back 30min later i feel guilty of not studying and i cum back to ma study table........well why is it that we have a conscience...........if there were no conscience then you could do whatever you want and not feel sorry or bad about it.........................I HATE is because of that, that no terrorist however capable of destroying the world has not done so...........

anyway since manan has a pic lemme get one too so here's mine:
so anyway the exams seem to be getting over although each day seems to last 72hrs(i know the last time i said it was 48hrs)...............anyway now i have to go and um what else-there is nothing more to say.........if there is then i might as well shut my trap and say it the next time......

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